Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The road to success is not too far from the road to failure....  with stops along the way like quitting, negativity and naysayers.  It's really easy to get hung up in the stops.  If we examine the options, and really learn the advantages or disadvantages, it might help us become stronger and not get hung up with those things that hold us bad from reaching success.

We should first all understand that the rate or speed in which we reach success is not the same for all of us.  A regulation major league baseball game will normally end after 9 innings, but rain could cut it short or a tie score could cause it to have to go longer.  Only you can determine when you have reached success in your chosen endeavor, and it may be shorter or longer than the time taken by someone else.  It's most important that you do not use time to get there as the measure.

Whether you are a member of the Scentsy Family with me, and I hope you are or will be, see my contact information below, or you are in some other line of business or sales...  there are some things you can do that should enhance your ability to become successful, and perhaps shorten the length of time to get there, depending on how fast you can master a few things.

Get out of your comfort zone.  If you keep doing just the things you like to do or find easy to do, you'll be right where you are now.  There's an old saying that goes something like: If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten.  To move forward, you need to keep trying new things.  You might not do them well at first, keep working at it, you'll get better.  Talk to new people, expand you network of people you know.

Do something to make your work space better....  in my case, I just need to clean it up.  Touch papers once when possible.  Read it, take action and discard it or file it (if you really need to). I have SO much stuff that I really don't need.  My best intentions are to pass things along to others who might have use for the "stuff", or I'll deal with it later so it sits around.  It's time to de-clutter.  Take 30 minutes every day to get more organized and toss what you really don't need.

A core Scentsy value is about giving more than you take.  I contend giving more than we take should be a core value everyone should live by.  Try volunteering, doing something for someone else.  Don't ask for, expect or want recognition for what you do...  that only dilutes the goodness into giving only to get.  Give from your heart and walk away.  There is always someone out there less fortunate than you are...  look for opportunities to be kind.

Want to join me in my little corner of the Scentsy Family?  Check out our brands:

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Do you believe in you?

We all have dreams and desires...  do you believe in your dreams?  Do you believe in you and your ability to see you achieving your dreams?  Whether you, and I mean YOU, believe in your dreams makes all the difference.  You must first believe in what is possible, what you dream, then you will have a purpose for knowing what you need to do.

How do you do that?  Start surrounding yourself with people who believe....  who believe in themselves and believe in you.  Share your dreams with everyone.  Jim Rohn said something like if you share your story with 10 people, they will each hear the story once, you will hear it 10 times.  The more you hear your story, the more you will believe in your story.

Two people I love to listen to are Jim Rohn and Benjamin Zander.  They motivate me, they jazz me up... I hope they might do the same for you.  Here's a clip from Jim Rohn:


I love Benjamin Zander's book "The Art of Possibility".  All things are possible that are reasonable for those that are willing to make the effort and take the action necessary.  The problem is that most of us listen to people who don't believe and have little faith.  Let's start by surrounding ourselves with those with similar beliefs and faith and then start making headway, one step at a time.

A Bernice after thought...
May today bring you one step closer to whatever goal you may be chasing...
one step closer to defeating whatever fear you may be facing...
and one step closer to the love you may be searching!! 

Remember life is about taking the steps towards your hopes and dreams and never letting fear keep them from you!! Have a wonderful day!! 

my smile!!! Forever !!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Better Me - All the little things add up

Little things add up.  I think many of us really don't give much thought to the little things in life.  Oh we do once in a while with a little good deed here or there, but do you ever reflect back on the culmination of the "little things"?

As I have contemplated on the various aspects of making "A Better Me", I'm coming to see, finally, how the little things do begin to stack up...  and if they are negative little things, that's not good.

I still struggle with figuring out the difference, or the relationship, of the little things we do that define who we are as related to the little things we do that either make people happy, thankful and feel better....  or, those that push them over the edge.  I hope to continue doing more of the little things that make people happy, thankful and feel better than the later.  It's the later i want to strive to eliminate.

A great friend (at least he is to me), Kirk Weisler (@KirkWeisler) writes an amazing blog called "Thought 4 the Day" or T4D for short.  I strongly recommend you sign up for it...  have you teen age kids sign up...  and you spouse or significant other.  Kirk's wisdom, advice and sharing of life stories are consistently inspirational and do nothing less than to provide up a prescription to becoming A Better Me.  Further, this past spring I had the opportunity of taking to his eldest son Jake, an inspiring young man with a great interest in video achievements.  I hope he looks to SCAD to continue his education after high school...  that's just a plug, my son loves it there.  

I mention Kirk and his son Jake because Kirk recently wrote a piece titled "Who Ate the Cake? - Little Things Add Up".  Please go read it.  At the beginning of the blog there is a short video clip Jake produced that is an amazing piece of work, notwithstanding his young age...  (although I wish he'd had his little sister have Lenny the Lamb I sent her in the clip with her rather than her other stuffed animals).  I'd like you to see it too because it really hits home about how the little things add up.  Thanks for the awesome graphical image you have imbedded in my head Jake!

A Bernice after thought...
Should've, could've, would've!!! 

Don't live your life looking back..... today tell yourself, " I shall do this, I will do that, and I can do or be anything I choose!!

Incredible people don't always do incredible things they just don't hold themselves back with regrets! You're an incredible person!!    Have a wonderful day!!      my smile!!!    Forever !!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A successful postcard project

I have been a little remise in providing an update to those that helped my daughter's class project by mailing postcards from all of the United States. Tina Greeley Grenier posted: We did it!!! We collected 180 postcards from all 50 states (the 50th state-ND arrived June 21st) and a few countries too! Now to scan all of the cards and make books for each of the kids...woo-hoo!!!

A huge thank you to each and everyone one of you that helped by sending her a post card from your home state (and some nearby states). You are the best! Woo-Hoo again!

Thank you!

A Better Me starting with saying "I love you"

I've had a desire to write a book for a very long time.  Several have given me guidance, for which I am very thankful, here I go with how Phil said to start.

I'm writing for me because I need to be better in nearly all aspects of my life, so I'm going tostart by wiritng my own guide.  I'm pretty convinced that there is really nothing new to write about, it's all been said before, I'm just going to pick out the parts that are important to me, make sense to me, import that I do a much better job at, and the things I want to be truly better at.

So, to get started on "A Better Me" I must first remember to say I love you, to mean it and to act like it, every day...  beginning by loving myself.

I often wonder why many treat the people they say they love, or once loved, worst than they treat total strangers.  How soon we forget love.   My friend Becca Levie made a post one night that read: ‎"There is no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal".  While I believe that to be true...  I struggle to figure out why we must suffer under the circumstances until heaven heals us.  Is that part of the process of being better?  Learning to deal with pain and strain, without complaints?

My thoughts for a better me are to remember, even those we love most, will let us down, make us sad or even mad form time to time....  at time, quite often.  The point is, at one point we made a decision to love them, and if heaven can heal all, we should work to allow that and to try to forgive and forget, while we can, and move on to the happiness we once had.

Benjamin Zander spoke about the importance of what we say, the words that come out of our mouth.  He tells of a woman who was one of the rare survivors of Auschwitz. She went there when she was 15 years old with her brother, who was only 8, they had already lost their parents.  She told the story of while on the train going to Auschwitz, she looked down at her brother's feet and saw his shoes were missing. In a flustered, frustrated and angry tone, the way you might expect a 15 year old to talk to a little brother who is not taking care of things as she might, said something to the affect of: what's wrong with you, where are your shoes, can't you keep your things together!  Unfortunately, that was the last thing she ever said to her brother, she never spoke to him again, he did not survive.  She made a vow when she finally left Auschwitz that she would never again say anything that could not stand as the last thing she said to someone.

Can we do that, never speak a bad or negative way?  Likely not, but we can work to be closer to a more positive, loving and caring person.  We could, and perhaps, make the world just a slightly better place than it is today, if we just communicate better, nicer.  I challenge you today to, so to speak, bite your tongue when a negative word is about to come out of your mouth... clear a negative thought from your mind and replace it with anything positive.  Just try to be a better person today.

A Bernice after thought...
Today is your present!! 

Open it with a smile, enjoy it with a passion, and use it all to your advantage because its the only gift that is guaranteed!!! Live, love, laugh with everything you have and leave nothing unspent at the end of today!! 

Have a wonderful day!! ♥ my smile!!! Forever ♥!!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

School supplies for the Dominican Republic

I'm headed to the Dominican Republic in just over a week, thank you Scentsy for sending me, I might have never gotten there with you!  While there, I hope to visit a local elementary school (I'm not sure if that is what they call it there).

We have been told that school supplies are in great demand and donations will be greatly accepted.  I have a suitcase that I intend to pack to the rim with supplies for them.  I could use your help if you feel so moved.  I went out tonight and made the first purchase so I can start packing (I have to be done by next Sunday, June 17th).  

Here's the list of the most needed items we have been asked for, and of course, any other appropriate items for elementary aged kids would be accepted. I'll deal with the cost of extra suitcases as necessary to get everything there. They need:

Things I have already purchased

Child safe scissors
Children's multivitamins
Craft books
Craft glue
Colored pen or pencils
Pencil cases

If you are in the western Massachusetts area and want to get things and get them to me, as long as I have them by June 17th, that would be good.  If you want to send funds, I can accept credit or debit cards directly.  I will send you a picture of what I get with your funds and pictures of the donations when made in the Dominican Republic in a couple of week.  

I could REALLY use any help you can provide.  No donation is too small. Call me if you know my number; email me (DrGreeley@gmail.com); message me on Facebook, post a comment to this post....  whatever it takes to get in touch with me.  If you are also a Scentsy Independent Consultant, as I am, this is an awesome opportunity for us to give back...  a Scentsy tradition!

Thanks again, anything helps

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

$100 for carry on bags? They deserve it...

When I first heard Spirit Airlines was going to begin charging $100 for carry on baggage, I thought who the heck would be so stupid to pay or even fly on Spirit.  Now that I have read one of the stories on CNN (http://cnnmon.ie/Mv8n2x), it appears that the fee is not for carry on bags themselves, it is for the oversized and other bags that must be checked at the gate.  Hmmm.

I took the picture attached last month while standing in line to board.  Special needs folks were being boarded and this couple passed me en route to the jetway.  In addition to the child the mom was carrying, and I don't have a problem with allowing folks with kids to board early, however, check out what they were packing, and you can't see it all.

Mom had a child and a roller suitcase.  Dad was pushing a stroller with a small carry on, perhaps a diaper sized bag below the stroller, a suitcase in the car seat, sitting on the stroller.  Yes, we had to wait while all this was dropped at the end of the jetway...  at least airline personal had already tagged everything.  I think this is what Spirit is planning on charging for...  for this couples sake, glad they weren't on Spirit after the rate increase....  at $100 per bag checked, it could be an expensive check at the gate option.

Now, on the other hand, these in extra "fees" don't seem to be prorated or fair, across the board.  I normally fly Southwest...  I like their corporate philosophy, their customer service and the fact they don't charge extra for baggage, at the ticket counter or at the jetway.  However, I hate gouging and charging for something that really, is nothing but gouging.  The airlines are not alone in this practice, they just happen to be who I'm pointing it out about right now.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

One word answer to everything lately...

Ever had the feeling that no matter what you say, what you do, what you want, what you suggest, how you try to help, how you try to do the right thing....  ANYTHING....  returns the same answer (either verbally or in action)?  It's all I know.

  • This is the best I can do right now, is that OK?
  • Can I do that for you?
  • I did 90% of what you wanted, is that OK?
  • Do you want to go out tonight?
  • I tried to do things that would make you happy, are you?
  • I fixed the broken thing, is it better?
  • I didn't fix the broken thing, can I do it later?
  • I am working a second job, does that help?
  • I just improved monthly income a lot, does that help?
  • Are you feeling better about me?
  • Are you feeling better about you?
  • Can I do anything right?

I'm in this political mood

I have always said, I hate politics.  Lately, seems I am thinking politics all the time, especially as we approach the 2012 presidential elections.  I think I still hate politics.

I will digress a bit to begin with.  I struggle with the fact that politics is all about acceptance of not doing the right things in some cases so you can do the right things in other cases.  Think about that.

Where I work, performance is based on a 5 point scale, anything less than a 3 is trouble area.  Getting a 3 is average and ordinary, doing what is expected...  getting a 2 means you have issues and need a plan to improve....  2's are red flag territory.  According to Gallup, the average presidential rating over the past 32 years is 54%!  I've worked for the same "organization" for nearly 36 years.  I'm guessing is I only worked at a 2.5 approval rating, I might not have made it 36 years (maybe that's why we limit presidents to a maximum of 8 years.

I keep thinking that for the past several years, I am not as well off as I once was.  Is that because of the job market?  The economy?  Facebook's FUBAR IPO?  We all want to blame it on something...  I have too.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'm not better off today....

I'm not better off today than I was a few years ago, so why wouldn't I want to vote for a change in November?  I'm certainly not happier, so why not try to change something in November?

OK, I also know that most of the reason is me.  Nevertheless, I have not seen a cost of living raise in about 3 years, yet cost continue to go up.  Limitations at the office reduce spending, traveling, back filling...  however, we are expected not only to do all we use to, we are expected to do more.  Most recently, further cuts reduced funding that was used for awards and bonuses by about two thirds.  Do more with less, and get thanked less.  Hmmm.

I'm all for doing things better, however, I don't see equality or those cuts being made equitably across the board.  I see many things I can not freely write about, regardless of whistle bower rules, policy and laws...  it is not worth the chance in this economic environment.

I will say I think I support many of the positions brought forward by the democratic party....  but I am not better off now than I was...  so why support the continued support if I feel I am one of the ones feeling the pain?  I don't want interest rates on college loans to double....  I just want my kids to be able to get loans in the first place!

Why not change?

Monday, May 28, 2012

Has God ever winked at you?

While attending an incredible wedding this past weekend, my brother-in-law mentioned "when God winks".  I'd never heard the expression before, so, we had to have a conversation... I needed to know what he meant about God winking.

In the few minutes I had to talk with Steve and to follow up on that conversation, I've learned, apparently God does wink at us!  It happens in many ways, ways we often write off as "coincidence, but it's not.  It's God stepping in and taking an action, for a reason.  We may not get it at the moment, which is why many of us had written those situations off as coincidence.  I can't wait to get into this more, however, I',m so pumped about it, I wanted to share with you now.

Have you ever heard of a person who was about to leave on a trip, but left the plane ticket home?  By the time they went to get it, they missed the plane, only to later find out the plane crashed?  A God wink that changed that person's life forever.  You might want to check out Squire Rushnell's book, "When God Winks", I'm already reading it.

Are Russian people are reading my blog, really?

Where hits to my blog are coming from
This will be short, I am just pretty amazed today.  Blogspot, the host where I post my thoughts, has recently changed some things in the background, and I've finally taken a few minutes to look it over.  To my surprise, I get a reasonable number of hits on my post from Russia (forgive me if that is not the correct name, I mean the region known as the USSR.  Why is that?

Are they really interested or are they hackers looking for a way in.  I'd like to think it was not the latter, however, I'm thinking it is.  I wish one of them would email me or make a post just to say hello!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dr Drew, I respectfully disagree...

I'd put my laptop down, turned off the light, but not the TV. I flipped through the channels and stopped on CNN Headline News. Dr. Drew was discussing a segment that appeard to be titled "Fat Discrimination".

 Although I jumped in mid stream, I watched, listened, and couldn't take it anymore.  I turned on the light, fired up the laptop and am writing that I respectfully disagree. First, I will say I apologize if I miss the names of the persons that were on the show, that is not important.. this is about the title, Fat Discrimination, and where the main guest has a valid argument.

The gist of what I got, from what I saw, is that a person named Jordan was at a bar where they essentially had a dancing karaoke (that's my term, not one from the show).  Patrons could dance on the bar or tables doing their sexy dance to the enjoyment of the patrons.  Jordan was apparently not what the patrons were looking for and was asked to get down and stop dancing.  It seems references were made to her about her weight.  One apparently referenced that she was obviously pregnant while in fact, she was not.  Jordan was humiliated, mortified  and is claiming "Fat Discrimination".  She was just trying to have fun like everyone else.

 Your guest, Carnie Wilson, and you, both appeared to support her position, to the point where you almost bashed callers or supporters that did not agree.  A second guess, who's name escapes me, who was associated with some organization dealing with obesity, did not agree with you, Carnie or Jordan either.  Neither do I.

There was a lot of conversation about feelings, how humilating it must have been to her (Jordan) and how insensitive the bar owners were. While it may have been humilating and Jordan may have felt bad, it is not the business owners responsibility to make Jordan feel good.  A called who was a bar owner called from California, who also did not agree, was asked about the decision to have her step down, if money was more important than Jordan's feelings.... YES!  Even I get that.  That's the purpose of a business, to make money!!!

While the actual method or words used to ask her step down may not have been done with tack, dignity or sensitivity, it does not change the fact that what is important is the business, not Jordan's feelings.  Her feelings do NOT overrule the owners nor the patrons....  ever.   Customer service is king, although it does not always mean the customer is right; nor the customer gets their own way.  If customers do not like the way they are treated, go some where else...  it's simple.  If enough people leave, the business will change or it will close.

Where do we draw the line? If a 600 pound woman came in and wanted to dance, do they have to let her, even of the patrons boo and raise a scene? Should she too raise fat discrimination?  What if a 15 year old teenager wanted to dance, should they allow her, or should she raise age discrimination because she feels bad too?

You mentioned the bigger picture... I think the bigger picture is that this country has turned into a goodie two-shoes, feel good place. Everyone feels entitled to what "they" want.  We are afraid to fail kids in school that can not read, because they will feel bad.  We allow girls to join boys sports teams, boys to join girls sports teams. Why can't we have an all boys team, or all girls teams?  Why can't we have things that just not everyone can participate in if they don't qualify?  I'm not saying we can reasonably protect indigent, protect people in the sake of safety and welfare, but not just because they don't qualify.  We only allow tall players to play basketball in the NBA... should I claim short discrimination and make them allow me to play, otherwise I will feel bad?  We only allow smart people to become doctors.... maybe Jordan wants to be a doctor but she doesn't have the money for medical school or the ability to pass the medical boards. Should she clain financial or intellegence discrimination?  I could go on for weeks.

 I think government, states and other authorities need to stay out of business owners business when it is not a matter of public safety, health or welfare (and feel good does not qualify for welfare).  This is not necessarily a fair world. Get use to it and get a grip on it that and find something you can do or find another way to do what you want.  Do the best with what you have.  We are all not going to sing at the Super Bowl, deal with it.  Chances are there are a lot of things we can not do because we don't have the facilities to... oh well.  If I can't ride a horse in the Kentucky Derby, and I want to just like the rest of the jockeys, and they won't let me?  What if they tell me I obviously have a beer belly?  I don't drink beer, I'd be humiliated and I'll feel bad.  Do I have a valid case of Fat Discrimination?  I think not, I'm just not what the cheering fans want riding on their favorite horse.

 Dr. Drew, I disagree with you, Jordan was not discriminated against... she just didn't have what the customers wanted.  Deal with it.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Should your salary be public knowledge?

I found today that the salaries of federal and state workers are posted and available for anyone on the Internet to look up. No log in, no reason, you could just be curious to find out how much someone makes....  just and their name (and maybe a few others bits of info to narrow the search down) and up jump salary and award information.

 Is that right? Would you want your salary information posted for all to see?  Who's business is it?  Granted these folks work for either the federal or state governments, "for the people", however, there are acceptable salary tables and ranges that are approved, and those should be public.  That should be public.

If we were paying a grounds keeper the salary of a federal GS-15, we might have something to talk about.  That discussion might be what salary range, or pay grades should grounds keepers be (and this is not about grounds keepers, they do a marvelous job, it's just the job that came to my head).  We are not talking about appropriate salaries for certain jobs, we are talking about John Doe making 65, 432 last year plus a $1,000 award.  That's wrong!

Let your representatives know your feelings...  for that matter, let me know.

Awesome Chocolate

Just wanted to share that I got a good feel for how Velata compares to other dessert offerings...  it's really good!  Those are the words of the tasters as much as mind.  Saturday night Velata was shared at a Bunko party and there was not a drop left...  both milk chocolate and the carmel chocolate were smashing delights.  Today, more of a Sunday afternoon gathering of friends it almost ended up in a lottery for who could "lick the bowl".

OK, the Velata chocolates are a huge hit...   great, smooth chocolate...  but, what does it do for my business.  I think it adds a nice touch...  a nice party addition and I can easily see where people would want one around the house for those special times when a special snack is called for.  You might even want a couple of warmers so you can have multiple chocolates going, or different colors for different moods and seasons.

It's already been said that they could go by cheaper chocolates to use in the Velata fondue warmer.  Yes you can....  and you can also go to McDonald's and call it a burger, but it doesn't compare to what came off my grill today.... neither will cheaper chocolates.

You can't beat the taste of Velata, that's for sure.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Does it matter why you are overloaded?

I someone is overloaded...  with anything...  too much work, too many bills, to many things to do....  anything....  does it matter why they are overloaded?  I'm not going to do years of research or conduct polls so I can analyze the answers, I'm going out on a limb and just say "yes, it does matter, however, not as much as it does helping that person get out from what ever is overwhelming them.

Understanding how you got overloaded is just as important, but getting unloaded is more important.  That may seem not to make any sense, and those with more wisdom when it comes to such things may be right, but, it makes sense to me.

When one gets to the point of overload, strange things begin to happen.  Logical decisions turn to occasional illogical decisions.  Having the ability to do ANYTHING, often is only a step away.  The wrong question or demand for anything, can send the overwhelmed person into a spiral of do nothing.  Not purposely, but do nothing nevertheless.

I know this because I am this.  I know I don't want to be overwhelmed, but I feel it.  Like an illness, being overwhelmed needs a prescription, kindness and consideration of the road back to health.

What are your feeling on being overwhelmed.  WOuld you look for help or look to find out how you got there...  which is the most important first step?  Let me know.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Facebook or Twitter (or Google+)?

I'm not the most prolific blogger by any means.  I wish I took the time to post something each day, but he day seems to slip right by before I've taken it by the horns and slowed it down.  However, since I don't blog all that much, I'm wondering, where am I going to get the most bang for my buck?

I will admit I use Facebook more than Twitter, but it just seems like it is easier to post on Facebook than it is on Twitter.  Not to mention, without Twitter's 140 character limitation, it's sometimes easier to tell the whole story in a single post without having to follow a link to ....  well, almost anywhere.

Yesterday I wrote about a class project my daughter has going for her school class, learning about America.  She thought it would be cool to see how many states her class could receive cards from, during the weeks of talks about America.  She sent an e-mail to a few out of state family and friends asking us if we could mail her class a state themed postcard.  She also asked that if we knew anyone that lived out of state, maybe we could please pass her message along to them.  She wondered how many states she would get cards from.

I know people everywhere, so went to my e-mail, my Facebook account and my Twitter account and essentially posted the same message with a link to yesterday's blog post:  http://bit.ly/Postcd.

The cool thing about bit.ly (and I'm sure other URL shortening sites), it gives me stats about who and when people click on that link I just entered (http://bit.ly/Postcd).  It tells me from what source people clicked on the link....  in fact, it even tells me when they are using a m. reference (meaning they were using their smartphone).  That's cool.  What I found most surprising was that Facebook out clicked Twitter by 26 to 1...  that's HUGE!  Even mobile browsers out clicked Twitter, 11 to 1.  That tells me, forget twitter, focus on first on Facebook to get my story out there, then on smart phones....  forget Twitter.

Is that what you experience?

On a whim, I wandered over to Google+...  found I must had already been there, or it pulled info from my gmail account and built a profile for me.  I filled a little more information so it looked a bit more like I was using it, when in fact I was not.  I really don't get how Google+ works.  Is it just Google's version of Facebook done the way they want it?  Maybe I'm old and set in my ways, Facebook seemed much easier.

What do you think?