Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Better Me - All the little things add up

Little things add up.  I think many of us really don't give much thought to the little things in life.  Oh we do once in a while with a little good deed here or there, but do you ever reflect back on the culmination of the "little things"?

As I have contemplated on the various aspects of making "A Better Me", I'm coming to see, finally, how the little things do begin to stack up...  and if they are negative little things, that's not good.

I still struggle with figuring out the difference, or the relationship, of the little things we do that define who we are as related to the little things we do that either make people happy, thankful and feel better....  or, those that push them over the edge.  I hope to continue doing more of the little things that make people happy, thankful and feel better than the later.  It's the later i want to strive to eliminate.

A great friend (at least he is to me), Kirk Weisler (@KirkWeisler) writes an amazing blog called "Thought 4 the Day" or T4D for short.  I strongly recommend you sign up for it...  have you teen age kids sign up...  and you spouse or significant other.  Kirk's wisdom, advice and sharing of life stories are consistently inspirational and do nothing less than to provide up a prescription to becoming A Better Me.  Further, this past spring I had the opportunity of taking to his eldest son Jake, an inspiring young man with a great interest in video achievements.  I hope he looks to SCAD to continue his education after high school...  that's just a plug, my son loves it there.  

I mention Kirk and his son Jake because Kirk recently wrote a piece titled "Who Ate the Cake? - Little Things Add Up".  Please go read it.  At the beginning of the blog there is a short video clip Jake produced that is an amazing piece of work, notwithstanding his young age...  (although I wish he'd had his little sister have Lenny the Lamb I sent her in the clip with her rather than her other stuffed animals).  I'd like you to see it too because it really hits home about how the little things add up.  Thanks for the awesome graphical image you have imbedded in my head Jake!

A Bernice after thought...
Should've, could've, would've!!! 

Don't live your life looking back..... today tell yourself, " I shall do this, I will do that, and I can do or be anything I choose!!

Incredible people don't always do incredible things they just don't hold themselves back with regrets! You're an incredible person!!    Have a wonderful day!!      my smile!!!    Forever !!!

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