I've always been a leadership and management book reader, rarely cover to cover, but to find and learn more about something I may have read or heard. My great friend and author, Kirk Weisler (http://kirkweisler.com) really led me to some of the best books through his "Books and Breakfast" series at events where he is a keynote speaker or trainer. Such a wealth of knowledge can be found in books - what a concept we should all embrace. One thing I've never forgotten was his story of lifelong learning. He led me to discover the following tid bits.
Brian Tracey wrote:
Commit to Lifelong Learning
One quality of leaders and high achievers in every area seems to be a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development. They look upon themselves as self-made people, as "works in progress." They never become complacent or satisfied. They are always striving toward ever greater heights of knowledge and understanding.
Get to the Top in Five Years
Earl Nightingale said many years ago that one hour per day of study in your chosen field was all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do.So I'm passing this along
Calling all you who want to be better, at anything... Anyone can participate and you can be anywhere in the world! The further we get, the better. All you have to do is get your favorite self-improvement book and send it to one person and share this message anyway you want... on Facebook, Twitter, whatever. Just tell those who read what you write, if they want to join the school of lifelong learning, just like my post or send me a message and tell me you like it and want to join. That's it. If all those that "like" what we're doing, you could receive many books back. If you are interested, click "like" or let me know by connecting with me, and I will message you all the details. Happy reading! I'll see you at the top (Zig Ziglar actually said that).
By the way, in full disclosure, Kirk knows NOTHING about this.... I didn't tell him, but I mention him because he is a mentor of mine, a leader, and a teacher extraordinaire, the Chief Morale Officer, and the originator of "Books and Breakfast"... someone very special to me.... and someone most of us can look up to....
I just packed Benjamin Zander's "The Art of Possibility" to send to someone in New York City.
Remember Rule #6