Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A Renewed Death Sentence of Sorts

I had n MRI and CT scans 2 days ago and received a call from the local oncologist which essentially made me feel like I had just received a renew death sentence.  Nothing in the call was positive and nothing that I had hoped and prayed for.  My local doctor had spoken with my lead oncologist at Dana-Farber and said they both felt the cancer had progressed, although not running rampant, and all my tumors had grown.  This sucks.

She said that it appeared that my cancer had built up an immunity to the chemo (FOL-Firi) I had been receiving for the last 11 rounds and was no longer responding.  I really don't get and understand that because ever since my liver resection to remove the original tumors on my liver, my CEA scores and blood work all seemed to be going in the right direction.  I guess that's part of what make cancer so mysterious, the rat bastard.

Further, my local doctor said she did not feel that surgery to remove the tumors was an option.  What?  Why not?  I was told that too much would have to be removed and they were concerned that putting me through the surgery and then having the possibility of a new tumor starting was worth it.  On the surface, I can't say I can grasp that logic, but I don't have all the information yet to really make that decision.  The logical part of me says anytime you remove the cancer, how can it be a bad thing?  Isn't part of the problem with cancerous tumors compared to non-cancerous tumors is that pieces break off, can land somewhere else, and start a new growth?  I need expert advice on this.

 No more chemo for the foreseeable future.  I'm still waiting to get the appointment with my Boston doctor scheduled to see what she has to offer or suggest, to see if there have been any breakthroughs and a clinical trial at some location may be available... I will go anywhere that offers hope.

I really hated to hear what she had to say and was optimistic that it would be better news seeing that blood work, CEA numbers, and other factors had seemed to be improving.  My tiredness hasn't been a consistence improvement, in fact, quite the opposite this past week, but, nevertheless, I was hoping for better news.  I am really sadden at my renewed feeling of the death sentence that I felt in February 2018 at my original diagnosis.  I'm going to try to stay positive and know that I am in the hands of God and live what ever days I have left in happiness and to make a difference in your lives in a positive way, shape, and form too.  Do NOT put off any screenings you are due for, early detection can save your life and or extend it  I need and want another 15-20 years to make a difference in this world.

I'm honestly surprised at how I am feeling.  Sadden yes, but not violently angry.  Unlike Alex Trebeck, I am not satisfied with the good life I have lived thus far ... I want to feel better before its over, do many of the things I once did, and most of the things I yet want to accomplish.

I was honored to be part of a radio talk show a week or so ago talking a little about my journey and Relay For Life (RFL).  The American Cancer Society (ACS) does so many good things and is one of the leaders in research along with others, such as Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund.  Last night it was my pleasure to support "Real Men Wear Pink of Western Massachusetts" by having dinner at Texas Roadhouse in Springfield, MA.  Looks like another branch of raising funds for ACS I can be more a part of next year.  Of all the great things done by ACS, I'm now a big advocate of research to find was to stem and manage cancer, especially in kids!

How can you help and how can you get involved with Relay For Life?  First let me say, there is a way for everyone to help, no matter what reason you think you can't help.  What is something you excel at?  Maybe not even excel at, something you like to do?  Do you bake and could host a bake sale in front of a local grocery store?  Do you love playing horse shoes and could help put together a small, local horse shoe competition?  Are you a sports umpire or referee and would volunteer your time to do a few games and donate the pay to RFL?  Could you help host and coordinate a Scentsy fundraiser with a group or sports team ... I can make it happen.  How about hosting a paint and sip party with your friends?  I have the resources to help you make that happen as well.Think of something that interest you and lets make it happen.  Start by joining my Relay For Life team, it cost you nothing.  Donate if you wish or let's talk about something you could do.  You can sign up or make a tax deductible donation at my 2020 Relay page by clicking HERE.

Please, don't feel bad for me and the twist that my journey is now taking me on, but please do support my causes:

Why, because it is what we as humans can do to truly make a difference.  Making a difference in the lives of those around us, in our world, and because it is really the right thing to do.  It doesn't need to be just your money, your time, efforts, and support are all just as important.

Thanks for being there with me on this journey, you are what keeps me going.

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Check out my Scentsy Web store at: http://DanGreeley.Scentsy.us
Want to join my amazing team of consultants?  http://bit.ly/2JoinDan
Check out the DirectorDan Happenings page at: http://DirectorDan.com

Never, ever, forget how amazing you are and can be!

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