Saturday, December 24, 2016

Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas

In this season of celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, it is also time to reflect upon our own lives. I have never felt so alone and at such a loss for the Christmas spirit than I am this year and tonight.  With so many blessings around, it seems impossible, but I am in such a void.  I want you to never suffer the pain, life is too short for the drama, complaining, the me, me, me attitudes and not really carrying about others.

I love my kids, grandkids, and others, but feel at a loss for the ability to do anything for them that makes any difference.  Nothing seems to matter or make a difference.  I seek prayers and caring.  Give of yourself to others, that is all that matters.  Someone out there cares and is in need to be a part of something bigger than themselves, I will find them.

My children, whom I was able to spend part of Christmas Eve with

Give someone a hug, and mean it....

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