Sunday, October 21, 2007

Too many demands... who cares?

I started to write about how to sustain motivation despite the surrounding negativism. The the negativity got to me! Does any one really care? Do people really want support or opinions?

I am beginning to believe nobody cares. As Kirk Weisler might say... they just point out the poo! (Check out: Art Williams said, "all you can do is all you can do". I ask.... but who cares if all they really want to do is complain?

  • Kids talk back... have an answer for everything.
  • Employees only want to do what they want to do.... what does it matter what their Job is.
  • Referees at youth sporting events are always wrong... just listen to the fans.
  • Kids with lots of energy are presumed to have ADD.... maybe they are acting their age.
  • Few will do anything for you.... unless there is something in it for them.
Does anything really matter? Who really cares?


Kirk Weisler said...

Thrilled to see you taking your desire to make things a "bit better" to blogs. Those that care only a little seem to complain a lot. Those that care enough to act are the ones inspire and drive the needed change.
Thank you Dr. Greeley - for caring enough!!

Dan Greeley said...

Thanks for the note Kirk... surprised you found this! Just for the record, there is no "period" in my name... DrGreeley. Sort of an inside story. I am not a "Dr" none have I gone through the worth to obtain a doctorate as many of my work colleagues have done. I have working and studied in the school of hard knocks. The screen name comes from my real name... Daniel R. Greeley. When my younger sister got married, to a real MD, I joked that my mother always wanted a "doctor" in the family, thus why I had an "R" as a middle initial... thus, DrGreeley.