Monday, May 28, 2012

Has God ever winked at you?

While attending an incredible wedding this past weekend, my brother-in-law mentioned "when God winks".  I'd never heard the expression before, so, we had to have a conversation... I needed to know what he meant about God winking.

In the few minutes I had to talk with Steve and to follow up on that conversation, I've learned, apparently God does wink at us!  It happens in many ways, ways we often write off as "coincidence, but it's not.  It's God stepping in and taking an action, for a reason.  We may not get it at the moment, which is why many of us had written those situations off as coincidence.  I can't wait to get into this more, however, I',m so pumped about it, I wanted to share with you now.

Have you ever heard of a person who was about to leave on a trip, but left the plane ticket home?  By the time they went to get it, they missed the plane, only to later find out the plane crashed?  A God wink that changed that person's life forever.  You might want to check out Squire Rushnell's book, "When God Winks", I'm already reading it.

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