Friday, May 11, 2018

Reaching Milestones, Side Effects Somewhat Under Control

I’ve written before, the side effects from this 3rd round of chemo has been the worst.  While that’s still true, the side effects (well, most of them) have subsided significantly.  Looking forward to a good weekend before we start round 4 next Tuesday.  Nevertheless, I look forward to round 4, chemo is my friend right now.  I should be having my first post op scan sometime around June 1st.  Fingers crossed for good results with that.

Most of the side effects aren’t bothering me too much, just causing frustration, lots of frustration.  I feel like I’m at least awake now, which is great, looking forward for some energy to come with being awake.  Cold sensitivity and a few other issues are under control for the moment, also good.  The jury is still out on other stuff.  All is good, I will get through this like many of you have before me.  Those that have gone through chemo, radiation treatments, or dealing with cancer at all have me in awe.  It’s not a fun road, but it’s the road we’re on and we can make it past the bad and restart the good.  #HaveBelief  #HaveFaith 

There have been several great things happen though that created happiness despite the chemo cloud.  Tuesday I was about to go to a local business to discuss my Relay for Life Fundraiser and Carol the Caretaker asked me to wait so she could go too. Although that may have been a little abnormal, I felt she just wanted to go with me to ensure I would be OK.  While waiting, I see a car pull in the driveway, wasn’t sure who it was until I saw the New York license plates.  Two of my amazing cousins drove here to pay me a visit.  How cool was that!  Not only did they come to visit, the brought dinner and made it, brought me all kinds of healthy snacks... I am so blessed to have such a great family.

I also closed a couple of Scentsy basket parties and started another.  One of the parties was the biggest basket/catalog party I’ve had since I began as a Scentsy Independent Consultant.  Then, to top it off, someone connected with me that wants to join my Scentsy team, that super stokes me up. That surely made my Scentsy month feel great.  I’d love to have you earn free Scentsy products and half priced items by hosting a basket party yourself.  Simple, easy, no hassle.  Please connect with me or visit my Scentsy Web site at

Next, after attending a Relay for Life meeting Monday night, I created a Facebook Fundraiser to help raise money for cancer research and all the other important services offered to cancer patients and caregivers.  I captain a Team at this years Relay for Life event at the Quaboag Valley event on Belchertown, MA on June 8th and 9th.  My Facebook Fundraiser reached my $1,000.00 goal in less than 4 days!  I’m in awe of your generosity.  You can find it On Facebook at or you could consider joining my team and or donating to my team by going to, find my name and click join, donate, or both

The weeks successes are awesome.  All my kids but Tyler, who lives in Florida, were able to meet with their cousin Steve for dinner near the airport.  Steve is a pilot for United Airlines and happen to fly into Hartford/Springfield yesterday and had a night layover. I missed it, but so happy the cousins and siblings got to hang out.  Makes my heart happy.

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Interesting in reading about my fight with cancer?

Read about Take Them A Meal page my daughter setup

Never, ever, forget how amazing you are and can be!

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