Monday, September 13, 2010

Are these people were wasting time....

Ah, it is that time of year again, when all the political signs start blooming along about every road in every city and town.  Unfortunately, it is unlikely they are going away any time soon.  What a waste.

Take these folks standing along the road, even kids, holding signs, waving to every car that goes by with the hopes they you will vote for the person they are supporting.  I never wave to them, do you?  I especially like the corners where 15 or 20 people holding signs of competing politicians are standing, all waving.  If you waved back, do you think they'd both think, "aha, I got that vote"? 

Political flowers in full bloom
Today, I was thinking, not only is it a waste of time, it is down right stupid.  What a waste of time.  Hmmm.  Why then do they continue to do it, election after election?  Let the light shine down on us.  The reason is simple, they aren't stupid, many of the people they're waving too are stupid (I hope that doesn't include you or me), but I'll just bet, someone out there goes to the poll on election day and sees a name from one of those bill board carrying supporters and says "ah, I know that one, I'll vote for them", what is the Clerk of SJC anyway?

Bottom line, I don't think the wavers are the stupid ones, I think it is the ones that live among us that vote for a name on a sign without even knowing who or what they stand for (almost as dumb as voting all Democrat or Republican just because that's what they are - isn't that political racism?).

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