Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Better Me starting with saying "I love you"

I've had a desire to write a book for a very long time.  Several have given me guidance, for which I am very thankful, here I go with how Phil said to start.

I'm writing for me because I need to be better in nearly all aspects of my life, so I'm going tostart by wiritng my own guide.  I'm pretty convinced that there is really nothing new to write about, it's all been said before, I'm just going to pick out the parts that are important to me, make sense to me, import that I do a much better job at, and the things I want to be truly better at.

So, to get started on "A Better Me" I must first remember to say I love you, to mean it and to act like it, every day...  beginning by loving myself.

I often wonder why many treat the people they say they love, or once loved, worst than they treat total strangers.  How soon we forget love.   My friend Becca Levie made a post one night that read: ‎"There is no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal".  While I believe that to be true...  I struggle to figure out why we must suffer under the circumstances until heaven heals us.  Is that part of the process of being better?  Learning to deal with pain and strain, without complaints?

My thoughts for a better me are to remember, even those we love most, will let us down, make us sad or even mad form time to time....  at time, quite often.  The point is, at one point we made a decision to love them, and if heaven can heal all, we should work to allow that and to try to forgive and forget, while we can, and move on to the happiness we once had.

Benjamin Zander spoke about the importance of what we say, the words that come out of our mouth.  He tells of a woman who was one of the rare survivors of Auschwitz. She went there when she was 15 years old with her brother, who was only 8, they had already lost their parents.  She told the story of while on the train going to Auschwitz, she looked down at her brother's feet and saw his shoes were missing. In a flustered, frustrated and angry tone, the way you might expect a 15 year old to talk to a little brother who is not taking care of things as she might, said something to the affect of: what's wrong with you, where are your shoes, can't you keep your things together!  Unfortunately, that was the last thing she ever said to her brother, she never spoke to him again, he did not survive.  She made a vow when she finally left Auschwitz that she would never again say anything that could not stand as the last thing she said to someone.

Can we do that, never speak a bad or negative way?  Likely not, but we can work to be closer to a more positive, loving and caring person.  We could, and perhaps, make the world just a slightly better place than it is today, if we just communicate better, nicer.  I challenge you today to, so to speak, bite your tongue when a negative word is about to come out of your mouth... clear a negative thought from your mind and replace it with anything positive.  Just try to be a better person today.

A Bernice after thought...
Today is your present!! 

Open it with a smile, enjoy it with a passion, and use it all to your advantage because its the only gift that is guaranteed!!! Live, love, laugh with everything you have and leave nothing unspent at the end of today!! 

Have a wonderful day!! ♥ my smile!!! Forever ♥!!!!

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