Monday, September 16, 2013

The Glass "IS" Half Full

There is an age old debate of whether the glass is half full or half empty.  Optimist often think half full...  pessimist usually think it's half empty.  When you have a great day, like I'm having today, you just know it is half full.

I could argue that I have felt like life has been dealing me many glasses half empty, but, when you work hard and know you have made an impact...  even if it's "bottoms up" in celebration, stay focused on half full.

As thrilled as I am, all I can do it beat around the bush...  I just have to keep the real story inside, to myself.  I can't share the details because I need to protect the identities of those involved...  but, their lives, when faced with what seemingly was devastation, has been forever changed, in a positive way.  Think  positive.

OK, if you've made it this far, you are amazing too since I have led you down a path to nowhere, saying very little, but you're still around.  Here's the positive gist of what this is all about.  Sometimes, life just kicks you in the pants.  Throws you for a loop and you think there is no way to go...  no answers in sight...  nothing but doom and gloom.  You're okay to feel that way, but understand this, there is always a way out...  answers are available, just ask for them (by prayer or just asking for the answers to come) and there is so much more than doom and gloom.

For the third time this year, today, I saw someone thinking their glass was not only half empty, but they thought it went dry, do a complete reversal.  Talk about the tide changing in a hurry and being on an emotional roller coaster, their cup over flowed!  I'm so jazzed for them, life is good.

Never give up hope... look adversity in the face...  and your glass can be seen, always half full.

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