Wednesday, January 1, 2014


A Facebook friend recently made a post which I plagiarized and posted for myself saying:

"Happy New Year my Facebook family... MEMORIES... leave a comment below about a memory we have shared together whether it was recent or long ago... I'd like to build a personal memory blog, help me fill it. Feel free to repost. Looking forward to reading and making more memories in the future"

I've been thinking about different folks and the things they may post which has certainly made me smile often...  wish I was better in many ways quite often...  and also thankful for the things I have learned along the way and been able to pass along.  I wish that post live on forever so people might run across it and add something special they remembered (you need a Facebook account, but you can find it here:  I so much reliving those times.

In this blog, I say that says "I'm just a guy trying to do good and to make a positive difference in someone's life...  hopefully at least my children's".  There is nothing that makes me feel better than when I see signs of that success.  In one of Jim Rohn's stories of improving and getting better over the years, he tells how one of his mentors told him, yes, it can happen to you.  When you walk into a room, people will point and whisper, look, there he is, it's him!  There have been a flicker of moments like that with me occasionally, but when I read Emery Gallant's post, I was floored.  I never knew how one small action had such an affect on him.

Emery wrote to me that he: "Was having a REAL bad day at work, and you popped out of nowhere and gave me a "You Rock!" coin...changed my day around instantly and I still keep that close!".  

It can not get much better than that.  I have always tried to treat not only my staff, but those that provide me services, a sense of appreciation.  Not for doing their job, but for doing their job in a way that make the customer or me feel good about what they've done.  Their attitude, their care, their professionalism. They create an experience that makes me want to come back to them...  I enjoy it.

It is stories like this that I try to do what I do...  Emery rocked my world with his post like never before.  I finally got a feeling of why giving more than you take is so important...  why taking care of the need of others is how your needs get taken care of...  Happy New Year to me and it is only day 1.

Thanks Emery.

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