Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Jail Breaking your iPhone - in a word "DON'T"

It was reported today that nearly a quarter million iPhone users have had their Apple accounts compromised by new malware that can affect jailbroken iPhone, iPad, iPods and second generation Apple TV.  Most iPhone in the United States are not jail broken, however, there are still many that are.  I know users who have them and I've seen them for sale in numerous online "for sale" sites.

So what's Jailbreaking?  Jailbreaking is the process of removing hardware restrictions on iOS, Apple's operating system, on devices running it through the use of software exploits; such devices include the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and second-generation Apple TV.  It's something many that feel they are smart enough to know what they are doing (some techies) so they can get around Apples design.  Big mistake.  Here's a Wiki article about the topic.

My advice, do not jail break your phone, for any reason, no matter how smart the techie telling you it is OK thinks he or she is. Find an application that has met the Apple requirements for approved applications rather than circumventing the security that has been put in place, to protect you, and me. Don't buy a jailbroken phone, regardless of cost, you are asking for trouble.

How would you know if your phone was jailbroken? Use the spotlight search (swipe down on the screen) and search for cydia. If cydia is not installed as an application, chances are really, really good your phone is not jailbroken. If in doubt, ask them at the Apple Store.

Read the USA Today News article here.

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