Friday, December 1, 2017

2017: 55% of Enterprises Use Private Clouds

A bit of work-life reminiscing tonight thanks to an Intel article I ran across.  Made me smile inside at how far ahead of the times we were.  I guess I might even have laughed a bit too knowing how far behind the times they are now ... still working and building a government mentality environment and doing stupid things.

We built a Citrix based private cloud in or about 2005 and 2006 - adding our first remote field office in April of 2006 (I think the years are correct - I was debriefed as I went into retirement and pledged to forget about the work life, thus, they may be off a bit).  The point is, no one else understood or believed in the vision until several years later, and then they thought they knew it all and wanted to build things their way...  building things the same way they use to, and it still isn't smart or right.

Nevertheless, we, me and a select few of my staff with the complete support of "Marvin", that saw my vision, we built our own private cloud, saved money and proved it could work.  Here we are 10 plus years later and only about half of all enterprises get it and built it.... my old work environment is still muddling along, so I hear, all wrapped up in government red tape, doing things with the mentality they always had, without the vision and foresight.  But, I'm as happy as if I were a famous explorer or pioneer like Marco Polo, Daniel Boone, or Neil Armstrong.  We led the way, as the first 1% to step forward and build it.

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