Friday, May 31, 2019

Belchertown Cancer Survivor Urges Community to Get Necessary Screenings

Belchertown Cancer Survivor Urges Community to Get Necessary Screenings

Holyoke, MA (May 29, 2019) - After several weeks of just something not feeling right, In February of 2018, Dan Greeley of Belchertown went emergency room visit which lead to Greeley being diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer.  Greeley said “I let life get in the way of the really important things and I had missed his second, and now past due routine colonoscopy". Greeley underwent a colon resection surgery that removed about ⅓ of his colon.  His treatment follow up to the surgery was followed by 11 rounds of chemotherapy. Scans following his treatment showed no signs of cancer and Greeley was luckily in remission. He will be periodically monitored with blood work and scans for the rest of his life.  

Unfortunately, in December of 2018 one of the blood tests showed changes. He was immediately scheduled for a scans which showed spots on his liver. A New Years Eve biopsy confirmed that Greeley’s colon cancer was now at stage 4 and had metastasized to his liver. Thus, 2019 has brought more rounds of chemotherapy, liver resection surgery and more chemo.  From the onset of his treatment, Greeley is focused on increasing cancer screening awareness and raising funds through the local Relay For Life of Quaboag Valley.

“It is amazing the number of people who put off the cancer screenings that can save their lives. Early detection is key,” commented Greeley.  He went on to say “early detection leads to early diagnosis resulting in much improved treatment plans and changes for success”.  His words are simple today “Get screened”.

For many years Greeley has been involved in one way or another with the Relay For Life. After his diagnosis he started a team and set a fundraising goal of $1,000. Within two months, Greeley had raised a few thousand dollars to support the American Cancer Society and immediately set his goal for this years Relay event.  Currently,Greeley set his team goal  of raising $10,000 in 2019 and is already over $8,300 in support from friends, family, and neighbors.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is the only organization fighting cancer on every front. Funds raised from Relay For Life events allow the ACS to attack cancer in dozens of ways, each of them critical to achieving a world without cancer – from developing breakthrough therapies and innovative research, to building supportive communities that come together to  help those affected by cancer with access to treatment. The ACS provides empowering resources to deploying activists to raise awareness and develop game-changing approaches to address the cancer burden for all people.

Founded by Dr. Gordy Klatt in Tacoma, Washington, in 1985, the Relay For Life movement of 3.5 million participants across the world unite at more than 4,500 events to celebrate people who have been touched by cancer, remember loved ones lost, and take action for lifesaving change. Symbolizing the battle waged around the clock by those facing cancer, the event can last up to 24 hours and empowers communities to take a stand against cancer. Since 1985, Relay For Life events in the U.S. have raised more than $6.3 billion.

The Relay For Life of Quaboag Valley is set to take place on Friday, May 31 at Belchertown High School at 6:00 p.m. through Saturday, June 1 at noon. Residents can still get involved and learn more by visiting  Greeley would love to meet you in person at the event, please stop by and share a hug and a wish for another birthday.

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