Saturday, November 19, 2011

For What it's worth Mr. President, December 25th is Christmas

Last year I had 12 Christmas trees
I read a Facebook post that really bothered me, whether it is true or not.  One side of me thinks that is it quite possibly true, I hope not.  The other side of me believes it could be a Christan misrepresentation of what was really said and posted as a sensationalized, political smack of the President...  but again, my gut says it has significant truth to it.  Here's the post:

It was announced that there will not be Christmas trees at the White house this year. They will be called Holiday Trees. Obama says this is no longer a Christian Country, it's a country of many faiths. We as Americans must send the message to Obama that this Country was founded on Christian beliefs and we are STILL a Christian Country. Please repost this and let's stand up for CHRIST

My initial response is simple: Well Mr. President, if that's what you really feel, I'm sorry you are out of touch with the reality.  This is a country founded on Christian beliefs and it is a Christian country.  However, we are also an open and accepting of other faiths and beliefs which allow people of all faiths and beliefs to freely celebrated them.  I will not be forced to do things I do not believe in nor go against what I believe this country was built upon just because someone else may be offended.  Perhaps that person needs to do some soul searching and learn acceptance.  Mr. President, you are wrong.  In my house, I have a Christmas tree.  In my white house, you will also have a Christmas tree, call it what you may, it is still a Christmas tree, you know it and I know it.  On December 25th I will celebrate Christmas with a vast majority of others in the free world and most importantly, with most of the citizens of this country.  Unfortunately, so many have attempted to take Christ so far out of Christmas, it's almost not even a religious discussion anymore!

Christmas is not only celebrated by traditional Christians, but today celebrated my many non-Christan's around the world.  What we do not do (or at least should NOT be doing, is forcing non-believers to celebrate Christmas with us.  Do you think it would be fair to keep you and other non-believers to stay out of the stores during the times they are offering Christmas sales so we can purchase presents and other gifts to share with our loved ones?  No, we are lenient and accepting of all.

Why can't I celebrate Christmas...  We are a nation of acceptance that celebrates many things, in fact, almost everything.  Let's see, in January there's National Bath Safety Month, National Blood Donor Month, National Braille Literacy Month, National Hobby Month, Hot Tea Month, National Oatmeal Month, National Soup Month, American Heart Month, International Boost Self-Esteem Month, International Embroidery Month, Library Lovers Month, National Cherry Month, National Children’s Dental Health Month, National Snack Food Month, and Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month and National Bath Safety Month. 

February brings us to National Black History Month, American Heart Month, Wedding Month, Back For Family Fun Week, International Boost Self-Esteem Month, International Expect Success Month, National Bird Feeding Month, National Caffeine Addiction Awareness Month, National Cherry Month, National Children's Dental Health Month,  National Hot Breakfast Month, National Single and Searching Month, Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month, Publicity for Profit Month, Potato Lover's Month, Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month, Spiritual Teachers Month and Wise Health Care Consumer Month.

In March we celebrate National Nutrition Month, Red Cross Month, Social Worker's Month, Women's History Month, Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Umbrella Month, Peanut Month, Noodle Month, Mirth Month, Spring Month, Hoops Madness, Poetry Month, Umbrella Month, Youth Art Month, Academy Awards Month, Ethics Awareness Month, Help Someone See Month, Honor Society Awareness Month, Humorists Are Artists Month, International Listening Awareness Month, International Mirth Month, Irish-American Heritage Month, Music in Our Schools Month, National Collision Awareness Month, National Craft Month, National Kite Month, Optimism Month, Play the Recorder Month, Poison Prevention Awareness Month.

Do I need to go through every month here?  Do I need to come up with a list for the next 9 months?  We celebrate anything and everything.  "Bath Safety Month?"  Come on, give me a break.  Should all those people who don't take a bath be allowed to force us to change what we celebrate and call it "Cleansing Month" or "Stinkless Month"? I hope you get the point.  Christmas Day, without discussing the merits or accuracy of the day, is a day celebrated as a major festival and public holiday in countries around the world, including many whose populations are mostly non-Christian. The rest of the world does not celebrate "Holiday Day", they celebrate "Christmas Day".  In some non-Christian countries, periods of former colonial rule have even introduced the celebration, such as in Hong Kong; in others, Christian minorities or foreign cultural influences have led populations to observe the Christmas. Countries such as Japan and Korea, where Christmas is popular despite there being only a small number of Christians, have adopted many of the secular aspects of Christmas, such as gift-giving, decorations and Christmas trees.

Ah, the Christmas trees, we're at the point where many of us started hearing how opinions, like those that I opened with, began.  Political correctness should perhaps be rethought of as "political acceptance" instead.  When you tell me not to have a Christmas tree because you do are not Christan, aren't you telling me you do not accept and have tolerance to allow me to celebrate my beliefs?  Telling me I can not call the tree in my office that was setup to celebrate Christmas is you forcing your believes on me.  I am not Jewish but I don't call a Menorah a candle holder?  There is only only holiday a Christmas tree was designed to celebrate...  and that's Christmas.  It was never meant to be a holiday tree.

So Mr. President, and others of similar opinion, celebrate what you may, but when that pine tree goes up in my white house, decorated with lights, balls and other festive ornaments...  it's a Christmas Tree in my eyes and always will be. 

This writing was not intended to offend you or anyone else.  If you choose not to celebrate Christmas, I respect that.  If I choose to celebrate Christmas, all I ask is that you in turn, respect that.  I will be celebrating the holidays over the next month or so.  I will go to Christmas parties and will have a Christmas tree (actually several) in my house.  You are welcome to come visit (just give me a call first) and celebrate with me. 

I want my Christmas back.

1 comment:

Erica said...

I celebrate CHristmas with a CHRISTMAS TREE. ALways have always will.