Sunday, December 4, 2011

You are "be-YOU-tiful" and You Do Make a Difference

I have always stived to be a person that made a difference.  I think there was a time when I was somewhat successful in doing that.  Lately, I'm not so sure.  The interesting thing is that I know the problem is with me, I feel it, know it, and perhaps have been internalizing what I tell people not to do...  I've made internal excuses.  I know change is necessary.

At the 2011 Scentsy Annual Convention in Ft. Worth, Texas, Heidi Thompson spoke about the Power of One.  Powerful, moving and the spark I needed to begin the journey to get back on course. It would be well worth your time to listen to her talk.
I matter.  I make a difference.  You matter.  You make a difference.

Making a difference starts within ourselves.  If we are way off course, it may take a while to straighten out and get back on course.  There may be bumps and unfortunately bruises we have caused to get where we are.  The most important message is that you, me and most everyone we encounter are Be-You-tiful and the belief that we do make a difference.

I think there must be an understanding that who I make a difference to is not in my control, it is in their control.  I must accept that.  I must ensure that I provide every opportunity to make a difference to someone else and be at peace with the results.  I must attempt to rebuild any bridges that were burnt behind me, but most importantly, focus on the future and not dwell on the past.  Future actions are more important that past conversations.

You are beautiful, believe it and live it.  You do matter to me.

Sidebar:  I grabbed this graphic from Kirk Wiesler's "Thought 4 the Day" blog ( without asking him...  I hope that isn't unethical or wrong, not intended to be.  I strongly recommend you vist Kirk's blog and sign up for his couple a week messages.  Kirk is incredible, inspirational and worth every word you'll read.

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