Saturday, April 20, 2013

Take back America, we are #BostonStrong

As I see the years pass, I am often disheartened with the things I have witnessed and the direction I see things going in. I have allowed myself to be changed in a way I don't like because of it and it is time to stop. The following paraphrases parts of others writings, as a call to action by all Americans.  In times like these, I want to encourage the spread of love rather than hate and revenge, however, make no mistake about it, that does not mean I can or will accept that which is harming and dismantling this society or country from that which our forefathers built, and we must now reestablish and maintain.

Unacceptable events in our American society in recent months and years were not caused by religion; other countries did not do it; guns were not the cause of people, including children dying; an ethnicity did not do this – marginalized, sick individuals did this.  That's who needs to be dealt with. We don't needs to change our gun control laws, we just need to enforce our laws. None of us can even fathom the pain that parents, families and friends of those who's lives have been lost or maned because they just happened to be in the path of a monster criminal at the wrong time... monster criminals don't follow the laws or play by societies rules! It does not help to change the rules good, honest, level headed people already follow.  Find the core problems and fix them.

Instead of seeking revenge and perpetuating hate, let’s find ways to personally extend our hands to those around us who may be in pain, who may feel alone, who may feel disconnected from the rest of us and do what we can to welcome them into our communities.  That said, we should not be ignorant to those potential monster criminals that will use our own rules to hide behind.  Know that if you cross the line or even push to the boundaries of the line, societies hand will not be there to help you because it is also educated enough to crush you if necessary.  Tolerance is a two way street.  If you expect me to be tolerant of your beliefs, remember first, you must be tolerant of mine.  Most recently, kudos to the emergency responders and persons working the Boston Marathon case as a show of strength, capability and force when someone crosses the line.  Thank you for shutting down the city, mass transit and telling people to stay home while you identified, tracked down and captured one 19 year wayward young man that has forever negatively changed so many people.  That said, banning the sale of pressure cookers is not and will not be the solution to the problem, nor will it help in the healing for all the innocent victims of April 15, 2013.  As our forefathers before us, we must work to resolve the problems in our society today, and not the symptoms brought forth because of cancers within it.

God bless everyone affected by recent events that have come to our American streets, including any of the very misguided individuals that may be responsible. However, make no mistake about it, this is the United States of America, founded on a core set of rights, freedoms and laws... follow them.  We are not a third world country...  we are Americans.  We do not accept a way of life that allows violence in our streets.  Justice will and can be served without, preferably without any more loss of life.

Awesome show of capability #BostonStrong.

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