Friday, September 22, 2017

Can't Wait Until I'm 21

A friend's posted Facebook post requesting that people who had previously been smokers and subsequently quit, to post a comment about when and how they quit.

I quit November 11, 1982, five months before my third child was born.  It was at least the third or fourth time I tried to quit, and quit I did.

Here's my abbreviated response about quitting:

I tried going cold turkey - Fail
I tried hypnosis - worked for a few weeks
Saw a commercial on TV November 11, 1982 - Quit Cold

I was 32 years old, have smoked for who knows, 12 or 14 years, 1-2 packs a day

Laying on my couch doing some work reading, TV on... I reached to the coffee table to pick up the pack of Marlboro. The commercial starts with a close up of a guy, probably 10 years older than my age. As the camera pans back to see all of him holding a birthday cake with candles burning.... he says: paraphrased: today is my birthday. I'm 18 today (he obviously was a lot older)... it was 18 years ago today I had my final surgery to remove lung cancer from my body. Then he blows out the candles and says: I can't wait until I'm 21. I believe the commercial was sponsored by American Lung Association, not positive about that.... but the message was clear.... smoking caused lung cancer and it kills. I squeezed the pack of Marlboro and have never had a cigarette since. All I thought was... I'm going to live to see my kids grow up.

Since then, I've had 5 more kids (7 total) and so far have 4 grandchildren and expect to see more.

It's an addiction and will quit when your inner self says, today is the day. Good luck, it's hard without a real "why". What's your "why"?

Can't wait until I'm 29

What's your "why"?

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