Friday, June 15, 2018

It's Been A While, Catch up Time

I've been reminded numerous times, where have you been, I haven't seen your post, what's going on?  Truthfully, I have not been in the writing mood since about infusion 4, I've been knocked on my butt partially and getting ready for Relay For Life.  While the chemo kicked my butt, Relay For Life was uplifting and a positive experience.  I actually stayed for the entire event, over 18 hours plus setup and take down, than God for the helpers!

Today marks my chemo half way plan, 6 down, 6 to go...  I've got this, I #HaveFaith and #HaveBelief.  I've kicked cancers ass and am just setting up my body to weed out any of those demon cells that may try to stay around ...  they are history.  Had quite the itchy palms during Oxaliplaitin infusion Wednesday, either that or I was coming into money as the old wives tale goes, and I didn't even get a lottery ticket to cover my bases.

Quaboag Valleys Relay For Life event in Belchertown was emotional, inspirational, and worth every minute.  Everyone, cancer survivor or not, should attend.  I am blown away at the number of people I know and have heard about that have been touched by cancer ... the numbers are mind boggling.  This is a disease that touche so many.  Some are lucky to have found it early enough to be treated and get into remission or elimination, others have been devastated and or lost their battle.  Join a team next year, I hope my Team Director Dan, and get involved.  It makes a difference...  help my with a fundraiser, by walking the walk with me or in any other way of support, it will be appreciated.  Near or far, you CAN help and join my team.

The Belchertown, Granby, Amherst Sentinel  provided great coverage, as well as Channel 22 News and Sy Becker.  The Sentinel had a great spread and covered my story as part of their story, I'm pretty humbled by that.  Although the story is not directly linkable, you can read it online at the link above, or I have clipped and attached here for you to read... you may have to enlarge the pictures and text.

Team building and fundraising for 2019 begins in mid August this year.  I have LOTS of irons in the fire and could use much help with each of the ideas I have going.  Please step forward and help me with at least one of them, we'll find the right fit, something you may be interested in, enjoy, and can really make a difference.  That, or come to me with your own idea, I'll turn no help away.  Just connect with me, please.

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Check out my Scentsy Web store at:
Want to join my amazing team of consultants?

Interesting in reading about my fight with cancer?

Never, ever, forget how amazing you are and can be!

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