Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spread the message, and be one together

A few days ago, I wrote about the message a friend wrote on her blog just a few days before she passed away.  Her message was powerful, inspiring and one of deep love of people and happiness. She wished for all to make this a better world.

Tonight, I learned of the passing of a good friends brother.  I did not know Bjorn's brother, but I could sense what a special person he was through the heartache I felt in Bjorn's messages and post.  Specifically, this post is about the message Bjorn wrote after his brother's passing.  With his permission, I'm sharing it with you.  I hope you are able to take time to reflect and then take action to help make this world a better place to live, while we have the opportunity, one act at a time.

From Bjorn's Facebook post, September 6th....

I have lost my beloved brother…

Through grief and pain, there is joyful remembrance. We were blessed with time for sharing memories, tears, laughs, love, thanks, hugs and goodbyes. Family and friendships, distant and close, connected in ways we could have never imagined…

This morning I enjoyed a most amazing sunrise and sparkling presence in the Rocky Mountain wilderness, and I was one with life... and spirit.

I now take a moment to express my appreciation and love to friends here on FB! Let’s live life well! Let’s love, laugh, do good things, and have a great time together while we can. Look around you and you are sure to find endless opportunity for friendship, synergy and love. In the end, that’s what it’s all about my friend.

Brother and sister, come walk with me. Spread the message, and be one together. Let’s make this incredible world of ours the best it can be!

Thank you!


Jag har förlorat min käre broder…

Genom sorg och smärta, finner jag god ihågkomst. Vi var välsignade med tid för att dela minnen, tårar, skratt, kärlek, tack, kramar och farväl. Familj och vänner, när och fjärran, kopplades samman på sätt som vi aldrig kunnat drömma om...

Denna morgon fick jag uppleva den mest fantastiska soluppgång och sprudlande närvaro i Rocky Mountain vildmark, och jag var ett med liv och ande.

Nu tar jag ett ögonblick att uttrycka min tacksamhet och kärlek till vänner här på FB! Låt oss leva livet väl! Låt oss älska, skratta, göra goda ting, och ha det gott tillsammans medan vi kan. Se dig omkring, och du kommer finna oändliga möjligheter till vänskap, helhet och kärlek. I slutet, så är det just vad det handlar om min gode vän.

Broder och syster, kom gå med mig. Sprid meddelandet, och bli ett tillsammans. Låt oss forma denna vår otroliga värld vi lever i till det bästa den kan vara!


I urge you do walk with Bjorn and I; make a concious decision each day to do something different that you might have in the past...  try little random acts of kindness and we'll all be in a better place.

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