Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Taking a minute for me... Wow!

I can't remember the last time I just took some time for me. Sitting back, not doing anything special... Drinking coffee (which I could stand to quit drinking) and having a bowl of soup. Not that Panera Bread is a bad place, it's not, but sitting on a deck overlooking a fresh water lake seems like it would be nicer.

The cool thing about being at Panera is many fold. Tyler worked here before leaving for colege... They loved him. He did a great job and was recognized for it many times. He received many Panera bucks while receiving the pats on the back. Since the bucks were only good in the New England stores, dad became the receipent. Tonight, Travis is working... and more or less cooked dinner for me. Using Tyler's Panera bucks, he bought dinner for me. This is the way it should be.

Well, almost, would be better not sitting here alone... but all is good.  Not sure what I like best...  the cherry pasty in the picture or lightly toasted cinnimon crunch bagles with butter....  yuuummmmmmmm.

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