Saturday, March 19, 2016

This friends story of #WhyIChooseScentsy

I posted yesterday on Facebook that I was proud to be a direct selling professional. (it's posted below if you missed it).  I mentioned how this profession, whether it is done full time or part time, makes a difference in peoples lives.  Today I find this post written by a friend I have met because of the business we are in...  very special friendships just happen - you meet and find like minded people that push you up rather than bring you down.  I can't share her post directly, but will copy and paste it here so you can read another view of why we direct sales professionals love what we do.

Sue wrote:
I have been reflecting a lot lately on how Scentsy finding me and becoming a Scentsy consultant has enriched my life, and I feel the need to share that with you all. I became a consultant in September 2012 after being introduced to Scentsy the previous month. When I was introduced to Scentsy, I absolutely wanted nothing to do with it as I am highly allergic to so many things. I cannot stand the perfume departments in stores and most of the fragrance stores in the mall, well I can barely stand to get near them. I was reassured that I would love, Love, LOVE Scentsy, so I gave it a try. Actually, when I gave it a try the whole office I work for decided to give it a try too. When we received our order we were all so impressed and pleased, so much so that signing up as a Consultant sold itself. We were and still are hooked.

What happened after that I could never have expected. I never expected to actually 'work' my business. In my mind, I joined to get Scentsy for me and for my friends that I work with. I never expected that I would work parties and I would meet so many wonderful people that are not just my customers but are what I consider to be friends. And all the Scentsy consultants that are now what I consider family. I gained a family. As if that were not enough, I have been to places I have only dreamed of going. I never imagined traveling to Indianapolis or St. Louis. Indy was awesome and I was so moved at that first convention. The speakers were so empowering and it was very emotional.

Convention always is very moving and emotional for me. St. Louis was awesome and exploring new cities never gets old. In St. Louis, we took time before leaving and went to the top of the Arch! That was beyond amazing. The last convention I had the opportunity to go to was in Las Vegas and thanks to Scentsy and this wonderful opportunity I was able to visit the Grand Canyon. This was such a spiritually gratifying experience. This year is our convention is in Nashville and I have every intention of working my business to my best to go and explore another new city. I honestly know that without Scentsy, I would never have had these wonderful experiences!

Heidi and Orville have brought all this and so much more to my life by founding Scentsy and standing by our mission statement:

To bring value to the world by providing an industry leading, family-friendly business opportunity selling creative, artistic, high-quality products that warm the heart, enliven the senses, and inspire the soul.

I am forever grateful that Scentsy was introduced to me and I cannot wait to see where this journey is going to take me. Thank You Scentsy!!!!!

- - - - - - - end of Sue's post - - - - - - -

There are less than 2 weeks left in a promotion that allows you to stick your toes in to see how it works. You can join us for only $49 plus tax and shipping and receive about $110 worth of product and supplies.... everything you need to test the waters.  Let's connect and make this happen.


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My original post about being a Direct Sales Professional:
I am proud to be a network marketing professional. I love it more than the J-O-B I retired from after so many years. I love it because I am really able to help others reach their dreams... because it helps my family... because it really allows me to pay it forward. I also love buying from people I personally know and trust! Please support those running a small businesses.... it will make a difference in people lives which is more important than a corporate bottom line.
If your friend sells jewelry, look  at the collection!
If you have friend selling makeup, browse their site💻!
If your friend sells weight loss and you need to lose weight, give your friend's program a try!
If your friend sells skin care, why not try it!
If you friend sells energy drinks, have you at least tried it?
If you friend sells household items, try some and support them!
If your friend is a Realtor, work with them!
If your friend sells insurance, why not buy it from them?
If you friend opens a franchise, GO THERE!

If you or a friend or family member is paying for college, braces, Little League, bills, food, a vacation or whatever to get out of DEBT... support them.
If you owned a restaurant and you were MY friend, I would patron your restaurant, your gym, your store, your sandwich shop, your salon, your dry cleaner.
I'm an entrepreneur. I will always give you superior products and customer service.🌟
My family lives on my success.

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