Friday, April 22, 2016

Just Change Your Mind

I feel like I have been in a funk for years, to many for sure.  I sincerely "think" all the right things to do, I "try" to do all the right things, but am often just stuck in this rut.  I know I have tried and tried, so I tell myself, to get up, get going, and build my own happiness.  After all, everywhere I turn, it's said and written, be happy with yourself first.  I've fallen into the trap of feeling like "easier said than done".

For a very long time, I would say to my staff "change doesn't happen until change happens".  While that is so true, just telling yourself to change your mind is a monster first step that needs to happen.  That is and can be so difficult.

Today, a good friend, Phil Gerbyshak made a post on Facebook that got me thinking, ah, here we go again, another post about "choosing happiness".  Here's a copy of Phil's post:

Phil had also linked to an Inc. story about being happier and quote by Albert Einstein. That's a good read as well.  Although I completely respect Phil's opinions and writings, this one hardly got me motivated.  After all, my initial thought was, just another post about choosing to be happy.  What the heck do others know about what is really going on in my life, I can't just choose to be happy!  There's stuff going on, stuff you don't just forget or flip the switch on.  Then I read some of the comments people left.

One of them has struck me.  I've never met or talked to Kristin, all I know of her is this post.  It too is the same old story but from a different angle.  From the mouth of a babe.  You know they speak the truth, that's all they know.  I pictured her my granddaughter as the one in the back seat playing on her iPad and having this conversation...  her truth struck my nerve.  It made sense.

I'm still not sure how to mentally make this decision and then seriously carry it out.  However, with a renewed spirit and determination, I will, just change my mind.

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