Sunday, May 6, 2018

Worst Week Yet, but, There’s a Silver Lining

At the end of the first week after my third chemo infusion I feel this has been the worst week so far.  I keep saying chemo is my friend and ridding those nasty cancerous cells we can’t see from my body, but it’s kicking my ass this week. I’m just very frustrated, on many different fronts, none of which I like.

From a side effect perspective, I’ve been so tired the past three days.  On Friday I got up, after 1:00 pm, showered and dressed in time for my caretaker wife to be my Uber like driver and take me to a few stops in the late afternoon.  Upon getting home, I did a few hours of Scentsy paperwork from my chair, my second best friend, only to fall asleep for the count.  I do wake up often, but without energy to do much of anything.  I got up Saturday morning, showered, dressed and laid back down in bed for a longer nap.  Tired, tired, tired.

My daughter Tina drove up from Connecticut to spend some time with Carol and me, which I greatly appreciated, I just don’t have the energy to drive her way yet.  I can’t wait for energy and ambition to return!  A nice couple hour visit, while sitting in the chair, always pleased with visits... then back to sleep.  What a boring post this is, that’s how I feel.

Awake again every hour of the night... no energy until I went to make a piece of toast and get a glass of OJ, at 4:00ish, that was my thrill of the night.  Woke up again mid morning with out the ability or energy to get up, which just created even more frustration, I’m so tired, out of energy, and lack of ability to get anything done.  That’s what I miss right now more than ever.

So what’s the silver lining?  There were several.  One of the stops Friday afternoon was to pick up a Scentsy catalog/basket party from a customer. It was the biggest and best basket party I’ve had since becoming a Scentsy Independent Consultant.  This amazing customer will end up with $249 worth of FREE and half price products for only $71 and change.  Awesome.  If you would like to help me during this medical hiccup, please host a catalog/basket party for me.  If only takes a total of $200 in orders to qualify for FREE and half priced items.  No home party, I’ll get you sample to try and scent samples to sniff, it’s really just that easy.

OK, the week has been physically and somewhat emotional draining, but, a second silver lining is that I heard from three of the four guys I hung out with the most during my high school days... received a few more cards from old friends and one of my amazing foster kids from New Mexico.  Those connections made a world of difference, including how I have to change one of my bucket list things to include a Blooming Onion - Barry and Ruth Ann - that’s a done deal whenever you can get to Massachusetts, or, you’ll need to wait until this fall when I can get to New York.  Carol has been amazing while taking care of not only me, but so many things around the house which I know must drain here.  Thanks Cooch!

Love you all, appreciate your love, support, and concerns.  We will get through this.  So happy I have found so many of you that have gone through similar circumstances before me, it just confirms my #HaveBelief and #HaveFaith thoughts.  Thanks to those of you that have let me know you have scheduled colonoscopies, mammograms or any other cancer related screenings. Early screening leads to early detection and early medical intervention.  We’ve got this, together. ❤️

If you were faced with chemo, would I recommend it to you?  Absolutely.  There are side effects, but at this point, I think it is the best chance for recovery and living... a restart on life.


Unknown said...

I think you just need to quit fighting the chemo. You are just upsetting yourself. You have worked for many years and taken care of things. This moment in time needs to just be dedicated to getting through the chemo. I spent most of my chemo on the couch sleeping. No sense fighting to keep life as it was. Just keep yourself going for the time being. You can do this! Sending you strength, hope and positive thoughts. Hugs too!!!!

MaMaDuKeS5X said...

No matter what your situation is Dan you always have a positive outlook. Makes others want to fight and succeed no matter what they are going through and I thank you for that. Take care of yourself just the way you are. Love you Greeley's.💗