Monday, May 21, 2012

Should your salary be public knowledge?

I found today that the salaries of federal and state workers are posted and available for anyone on the Internet to look up. No log in, no reason, you could just be curious to find out how much someone makes....  just and their name (and maybe a few others bits of info to narrow the search down) and up jump salary and award information.

 Is that right? Would you want your salary information posted for all to see?  Who's business is it?  Granted these folks work for either the federal or state governments, "for the people", however, there are acceptable salary tables and ranges that are approved, and those should be public.  That should be public.

If we were paying a grounds keeper the salary of a federal GS-15, we might have something to talk about.  That discussion might be what salary range, or pay grades should grounds keepers be (and this is not about grounds keepers, they do a marvelous job, it's just the job that came to my head).  We are not talking about appropriate salaries for certain jobs, we are talking about John Doe making 65, 432 last year plus a $1,000 award.  That's wrong!

Let your representatives know your feelings...  for that matter, let me know.

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