Saturday, January 12, 2019

On Your Mark, Get Set, Here We Go

Post about my cancer journey in this blog have turned into updating my family and friends about what's going on.  Please indulge me.  This past week or so has been a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, thankfully, I finally got my thinking straight and my positive mindset back.  The waiting has been a challenge, but I finally have answers and direction tonight, on a couple of fronts.

Me receiving chemo in March 2018
On the medical front, I will be restarting chemotherapy at at Mass General Cancer Center at Cooley-Dickinson Hospital on Tuesday morning, January 15, 2019.  Chemo kicked my butt last time around, and might again, but chemo will be my friend and help rid this old body of any mutated, cancerous crap that's in me.  The silver lining is that I will be receiving it from the best infusion staff ever in Northampton.

My chemo cocktail will be a little different this time around too, and hopefully, the side effects will be not only different, and fewer, but, we shall see.

You may or may not know about my other decision to move forward with using Cannabis Oil in a parallel path, specifically, Rick Simpson Oil.  I've talked with my oncologist about it, and she is not opposed to it running alongside the chemo.  I will be documenting exactly what I am using, how much, how I'm feeling, and when in my "CanCannaCure" blog. 

I have "lots" of appointments in the next week or so.  Appointments with oncology physical therapy - I don't even know what that means, liver surgeons, colonoscopy docs, chemo and many others ... we have to move before we can move forward.

a small dose of RSO
On the alternative med front, tonight will be the start of me using high THC indica medical marijuana.  The goal is to ingest a bunch of Rick SImpson quality oil (check out the"CanCannaCure" blog if you don't know what that means), 60 grams in the next 90 days - the seemingly magic number for THC to kill cancer - if it does.  You do what you need to do and can be comfortable with it.  The purpose of the "CanCannaCure" blog is to document that part of my journey.  I hope it goes to help someone else facing a similar situation and they want some first hand knowledge of its effects on me.  I should be ready to start the intake of my RSO.  Who would have ever thought I would be seeking to become an educated patient that self medicates using marijuana?  I would have bet against that, every day.  No way, no how is out the window, I just took my second dose, the second of my life.  This journey is all about life and living.

While listening to Joel Osteen today, I was reminded of how there are many times in our lives, we will experience "Unexpected Sunshine".  Its as if it is a daily occurrence with me lately.  Unexpected sunshine is when good things happen when you were just not expecting it.  It's like when the weather report is for a cloudy day, and all of a sudden the clouds just dissipate and you have unexpected sunshine.  Yesterday, I reconnected with someone I have not seen in years and years and today, she is now in my corner helping me with the meds I need, so thankful for knowing the right people, who know the right people.  It's been said, it's all about who you know.

Lastly, as a reminder, I will also ask again, if you haven’t done so, I encourage you to dig into your pocket and help support me and My American Cancer Society Relay For Life team with a donation ... any amount, it all helps. I have received hundreds and hundreds of messages, calls, and emails of encouragement ... if each of those person's made a $5.00 donation, we’d surely help make a difference.  You can make a tax deductible donation in support of me and my team by clicking here:  My Relay For Life Donation page, you'll get your tax deductible receipt directly from the American Cancer Society.  If you can’t do the donation site $5.00 minimum, put 2 bucks in an envelope and send it to me at:

Team Director Dan, Relay For Life
141 Oakridge Drive
Belchertown, MA 01007

I’ll document it and donate it to the team with along with others donations and all with my sincere thanks.  Again, I can not thank you enough for the outpourings of support, for following my story, and for the love you have shown.  It means the world to me, thanks.

Never, ever, forget how amazing you are and can be!

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