Monday, June 20, 2011

Buddies of Hope

Giving Back is one of the most important thing we can do as Scentsy Consultants, as leaders, and just as people. Giving More Than You Take is embedded into the ethos of Scentsy and everything we do as Consultants! We are all so blessed and when we look at all of the tragedies around us, we should hugs our kids tight, kiss our loved ones, and appreciate all that we have and how quickly and easily it can all be taken away from us without a moments notice a natural disaster, by an accident, an illness or in many other ways!

Buddies of Hope came about when deadly tornadoes ripped through Tuscaloosa, Alabama in late April 2011 and was the brain child of Scentsy Director, Kara Laczynski. Although I have not yet personally met Kara, we have conversed about the incredible program she has begun for the sake of children who's lives have been turned upside down. We both agree and want this to be for all children in need after a horrific ordeal has happened to them.

As you all know there have been horrible tornadoes all over the Midwest, South, Southeast, and Northeast the past few weeks and months. Many lives have been lost and entire communities have been demolished! The loss is great and the impact on children in these communities is unimaginable! Some have lost parents, some have lost homes, some have lost their schools, their communities, and their friends. Some have lost all of the above and more!

As a Scentsy Consultant I am always completely overwhelmed by the generosity and compassion of other Scentsy consultants and our incredible customers. We're all always looking for ways to make things easier, lessen the pain and burden, and put a smile on the faces of others. Buddies of Hope has spread nationally, buddies are being delivered to children all across the country. This program gives Scentsy Buddies to the children who have been impacted by these natural disasters and who have suffered great loss! There are lots of children impacted and they NEED MORE BUDDIES! So...we're calling all consultants, customers and businesses to come to their rescue, collectively participate, and share our own Scentsy love with the children in need!

For those that are not Scentsy consultants:
ALL Consultant commissions from the sale of these buddies goes to purchase more buddies. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Buddies are $25 each and there are 6 to choose from. You can see them on my website at or the Web site of any other Scentsy consultant that supports this cause. Those supporting this cause have pledged to donate all profits from the sale of Buddies back to Buddies of Hope... we are here for the children only. Please contact Kara or me directly if you can help. TO ORDER: Please go to the Web page above and order or call my office at 413-203-4930 (and save shipping cost) and order directly from us.

If you order on line, ship buddies to:

Buddies of Hope New England
141 Oakridge Drive
Belchertown, MA 01007


Buddies of Hope Tuscaloosa
‎8915 Argonne Forest Drive
Duncanville, AL 35456

If you are a consultant
Order through your own workstation, list Buddies of Hope New England or Buddies of Hope Tuscaloosa as the party host and ship buddies to one of the addresses above. Call my office for the Buddies of Hope donor card that you and or your customers can complete (or e-mail us the information for the card to, we'll add it. Every buddy will include a donor card of who the buddy came from.

It may not seem like much to you, but it could mean the world to that little boy or girl!

Please join, support and promote our cause on Facebook:

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