Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I Wonder.... Does it Always Have to Be Fair?

Reading today's online version of USA Today of the New York vote on gay marriage ( got me thinking. First, let me say that this writing is not about gay marriage itself, it is about the concept of, does it always have to be fair? By that, I mean, does everything have to be fair?

I was provoked into thought be the articles statement "The trend seems undeniable, rooted in the American belief - and Constitutional guarantee - that everyone deserves equal treatment under the law". Let's get beyond the gay marriage debate or conversation and not even discuss my support or opposition for it. Let's think about what's fair and what's not; what's reasonable and what's not.

I wonder....
? if a girl should be able to join little league or boy scouts?
? if a boy should be able to join girl scouts or brownies?
? if the Professional Golf Associationshould be forced to change it's rules to allow a player to ride in a cart?
? why must we have both men's rooms and women's bathrooms?
? if it is fair that a basketball hoop is so high, should it be lowered so height challenged people can play?
? if it is fair actors and professional athletes get paid more than teachers or fireman do?
? if it is fair that insurance companies take our premiums and can also deny procedures our doctors prescribe?
? if it is fair only girls can join a sorority and boys can only join fraternities?
? if schools are controlled by the laws, why kids of any faith can't say a prayer, but the president can end every address with "God bless the United States of America"?
? if I can't have a Christmas Tree in my office if it is fair those against it get A vacation day for Christmas or get to participate in my Christmas sales (and it is a Christmas Tree, not a holiday tree)?
? if I can celebrate Black History Month, would it be also OK to celebrate White Human month as well?
? if it is fair kids with average grades get fewer scholarships and don't have the same options of those with higher grades (or more money)?
? if it is fair the president gets helicopter rides to the airport and I have to sit in rush hour traffic?
? if it is fair women's shoes are less expensive than men's shoes?
? why it is fair for me to open a business and be told My customers and me can't smoke in it if I want to allow it?
? is it fair that some people are hurt in accidents or struck with an illness when they have lived what appears to be the perfect life and others (I'll refrain from adjectives unbecoming of niceness) who seemingly have done nothing right... don't?
? why we always have to find fault instead of finding good?
? why we need hot water heaters, wouldn't cold water heaters make more sense?
? if any of this matters to you?

Oh, I could go on.... Life is certainly not always fair.
Please leave your thoughts, if you wonder why...

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