Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sometimes you just can't get started...

Maybe I get involved in too many things.  Perhaps it just frustrates me to see things "not done right" (at least as I see them) that sucks me into more things than I really want to be involved in.  What ever the cause, I'm normally up to my eyes with alligators, then it is nearly impossible for me to even get started.  Ouch.

I can do most all that needs to be done, that's not really the problem.  It's figuring out where to start.  On one hand, it could be a simple task (which is the route I'll likely have to take) to just make a list and start working on it.  Note I left out the word prioritize.  Is that smart or just delaying more disaster?  I don't think it is as simple as prioritizing the sequence of things you do in the morning....  going to the bathroom just must come before having breakfast.

My struggles are because I have allowed so many things to accumulate, there are too many number 1 priorities.  What then?  If I revert to the method of just working on the list...  it seems one of the ugly number 1 priorities sticks it's ugly head up and says "hey, what about me?"  You stop what your are doing and begin working on the ugly...  then ugly number 2 pops up and the vicious circle has begun.  Ugh.

So I need some help.  I can work on the list, generally grouped in priorities, but knowing you can not work on all the number 1's at once, some of the ugly's will pop up.  Do I say oh well, wait your turn?  Do I celebrate the small steps of getting them done, one by one and be happy for that?  I can survive the ugly's, as long as they don't get too ugly.  It's the people that are reminding me about the ugly's that stresses me to a point of inaction.  That's where I need the help and suggestions.  How do I deal with the disappoint I have caused and apparently continue to cause?


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